Climate/Terrain: Any Desert/Barren
Frequency: Rare
Organization: Solitary or band
Activity Cycle: Day
Diet: Omnivore
Intelligence: Low to Average(5-11)
Treasure: (C)
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
No. Appearing: 1-6
AC: 5
Mv: 15
HD: 5+1
Thac0: 15
#AT: 1
Dmg:By weapon
Special Attacks: Swarm, Disease, Breath Weapon
Special Defenses: Immunity to Disease, Resistant to Poison
Size: L(9' tall)
Magic Resistance: 0%
Morale: 14
XP: 650
A hypandi appears to be a large, emaciated, diseased, horse-like humanoid, similar to a Minotaur, but with equine traits rather than bovine. The creatures reek of rotting vegetation and always seem to have a cloud of flies buzzing around them.
The Hypandi have no language of their own, and usually speak the dominant language in the regions near where they dwell.
Combat: A Hypandi usually prefers to use polearms in combat, though the exact polearm depends on the personal preference of the Hypandi itself, though Halberds, Bardiches, and Glaives are the most common. Regardless, Hypandi function as if they have a Strength of 18/50. The Hypandi generally don't bother with tactics, preferring to rely on brute strength and abilities to down their foes.
Due to the smell and constant buzzing of the Hypandi's swarm, a party has a +3 bonus to avoid being surprised by a Hypandi. Because of their lack of hygene, a person damaged by the weapons or abilities of a Hypandi have a cumulative 2% chance per hp of damage they suffer from the Hypandi to contract a disease. Hypandi themselves are immune to all natural diseases. A Hypandi also has a +3 bonus on all saves versus toxins.
3/day(and never more than once per hour) a Hypandi may expel the contents of its stomach upon it's foes, dealing 2d6 damage(Save vs. Breath Weapon for 1/2 Dmg). The "breath weapon" is 15' wide at it's widest point, but only goes out to about 10'. The Breath weapon also fouls the air supply in the area(Save vs. Poison or suffer the effects of a Ray of Enfeeblement for 4d6 rounds after leaving the "cloud" of fouled air) which lasts for 2-8 turns. Anyone within the cloud, whether they are effected by it or not, are still susceptible to the disease effect(2% cumulative per round).
The last major combat ability relates to the gnats and flies which seem to always be present around the Hypandi. Using a non-magical ability known only to the Hypandi, the Hypandi may 1/day direct the swarm as if using an Insect Swarm spell as if he was a 7th level caster. At the end of the non-spell's duration, the Swarm immediately returns to the Hypandi.
Habitat/Society: It's not entirely certain how the Hypandi came into being, but most people generally believe that Hypandi's are cursed, very much like Minotaurs. Nobody has ever seen a female Hypandi, but sometimes, An adult Male Hypandi will be found caring for young Hypandi. The younger Hypandi refer to the male caretaker as their father.
The Hypandi have no known settlements, but instead seem to travel as nomads through deserts and barrens. They make war on all other races, especially Centaurs, Minotaurs, and Gnolls. These races are not eaten when slain, though their skulls are taken as trophies(if not too damaged). Very rarely, a poweful warlord or wizard will conquer small groups of Hypandi for use as shock troops, but given their tendency to taint any area they stay in for very long(and their ability to spread disease), this is far from a common practice.
Ecology: Hypandi are hunter-gatherers, scouring lands where there is very little food or water. A Hypandi can go for as long as 2 weeks without water, and about as long without any food. A Hypandi can only eat fresh meat, but may eat even the most rotten vegetable matter it can find. As a presumed divinely cursed creature, a Hypandi does not fit into any actual natural ecology and most druids will therefore not suffer one to live in his guarded lands. Hypandi flesh is not consumed by any known predator, not even starving carrion birds.
BattleTech: Battleforce (1987)
7 hours ago
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