I've mentioned before that I play World of Warcraft, and today I felt inspired to write up some spells and a magic item based on my main character, Reandanis Highcomet, Blood Elf(Gray Elf) Frost Mage(who has recently also Dual specced into Arcane so he can actually get into raids since Frost is not a viable raiding spec[also because Arcane/Frost were the schools taught by Dalaran, and part of his backstory was that he trained in Dal while serving Kael'thas).
Frostbolt I
Level 2 Wizard Spell
Range: 36 yards
Components: Vocal, Somatic
Casting Time: 2
Area of Effect: 1 target
Saving Throw: None
This spell creates a bolt of frost energy that streaks out and hits the target for 1d4+Caster level for damage and the target is slowed for 1-4 rounds. Character's with free movement are immune to this slow effect.
Frostbolt II
Level 3 Wizard Spell
Range: 36 yards
Components: Vocal, Somatic
Casting Time: 2
Area of Effect: 1 target
Saving Throw: Special
This spell creates a bolt of frost energy that streaks out and hits the target for 1d8+Caster level for damage and the target is slowed for 1-4 rounds. If the target fails a save versus spell, he is instead slowed for an additional 1-2 rounds and rooted into place for 1-4 rounds as his legs have been frozen to the ground. Any frost spells that hit the target while rooted do 2-5 times more damage than normal. Character's with free movement are immune to this effect. There is a 1% non-cumulative chance that the casting of this spell does not erase the spell from memory.
Frostbolt III
Level 4 Wizard Spell
Range: 36 yards
Components: Vocal, Somatic
Casting Time: 2
Area of Effect: 1 target
Saving Throw: Special
This spell creates a bolt of frost energy that streaks out and hits the target for 1d6/caster level(max 10d6) for damage and the target is slowed for 1-4 rounds. If the target fails a save versus spell, he is instead slowed for an additional 1-2 rounds and rooted into place for 1-4 rounds as his legs have been frozen to the ground. Any frost spells that hit the target while rooted do 2-5 times more damage than normal. Character's with free movement are immune to this effect. There is a 1% non-cumulative chance that the casting of this spell does not erase the spell from memory.
Ice barrier
(Evocation/Invocation, Abjuration)
Level 2 Wizard Spell
Range: personal
Components: Vocal, Somatic
Duration: 1 round/lvl
Casting Time: 2
Area of Effect: The Caster
Saving Throw: Special
The caster gains a frosty aura from which icicles perpetually seem to hang down. All Ice related spells gain a +1 caster level bonus when cast while this spell is active. This spell absorbs 1d8/level damage(max 10d8), determined when the spell is first cast. It blocks all attacks including magic missiles from hitting the caster. When the damage capacity is reached, the Ice barrier shatters, and any creature within 10 yards of the caster must make a save vs. spell or become rooted, just like with the frostbolt spell.
Ice Block
(Evocation/Invocation, Abjuration)
Level 3 Wizard Spell
Range: personal
Components: Vocal, Somatic
Duration: 1 round/lvl
Casting Time: 2
Area of Effect: The Caster
Saving Throw: Special
By means of this spell, the caster encases himself in a block of solid ice taking no damage but becomes unable to do anything or move in any way(He can see out of his icy prison however). No damage may be done to him while so encased. The caster may dismiss the spell at any time. If this spell is used more than 1/hour the caster must make a save vs. spell or take 2d6 damage per used beyond 1/hour from hypothermia.
Mana Gem
(Conjuration/Summoning, Enchantment/Charm)
Level 3 Wizard Spell
Range: personal
Components: Vocal, Somatic, Material
Duration: permanent
Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: 1 gem
Saving Throw: None
By means of this spell, the caster is able to convert a precious stone into spellpower. For every 100 gp of the spell's value, the gem returns 1 cast spell level to the caster. Mana Gems are only usable by the mage who cast the spell. For instance, a 400 gp gem could allow a caster to regain 4 1st level spells already cast that day, 1 4th level spell, or any combination of spells so long as the total number of spell levels is less than or equal to the gp value of the gem. When the gp value of the gem reaches 0, the gem dissolves into nothingness. The caster is limited as to the value of the gems he may use. No more than 100 gp x caster level
Reandanis' Richly Appointed Pipe of Magical Research
Reandanis has often been seen around Silvermoon and the Eversong Woods staring off into space while smoking this pipe, often with at least one attractive female at his side. For the most part, social interaction beyond blasting things into ice cubes bores him to tears, and he has long lamented that his time is better spent in his family compound or at the arcane tower researching new magic probably meant to eradicate gnomes or the scourge once and for all(he seems torn as to which is the greater menace to azeroth). A chance discovery by one of his family servants while ransacking New Avalon in the eastern plaguelands yielded this finely crafted pipe. After a few months of effort, Reandanis was able to enchant it. Any wizard who smokes one of these pipes for at least an hour, gains a +15% research bonus, or is only required to spend 4 hours each day doing research at the standard %. In order to use this pipe, very expensive tobacco must be used at a cost of 100 gp per dose. The effects last only for 1 day.
BattleTech: Battleforce (1987)
7 hours ago
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